Cost Modelling Software to supercharge your profitability ⚡

Dive into a new era of cost management with CostCtrl software. Designed for any business aiming for enterprise-level insights into profitability to sharpen their strategic edge.

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Empower Your Strategy with Precise Cost Modelling


Fire loss-making customers. Stop selling bad SKUs.


80% of profits come from 20% of customers and products. Identify and eliminate non-value-added activities with ease to refocus on the biggest drivers of profitability.

Build quickly using CostCtrl’s streamlined workflow


Sophisticated cost modelling shouldn’t take months. Get started with a pilot program and view results in no time.

Strategic Decision-Making Support


Using inbuilt reports or the BI connector, leverage accurate, timely data to support your most crucial business decisions. From product development to resource allocation, our software provides the insights you need to steer your company towards its strategic goals.

Streamlined Model Building

Leverage the experience of our specialist partners

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